Friday, October 22, 2010

Tulasi Maharaj's first meeting with Thakur

The following is Tulasi Maharaj's own narration of how he met Thakur for the first time. The his he had narrated in 1928

"Nivedita lane and the tank on that side formerly belonged to us. The quadrangle in front the house occupied by the Boses now in Bosepara lane was the place where we boys used to meet. There we were chanting one day when we heard that Paramahamsa had come to the house of the new Kaysthas. Balaram Bouse had recently purchased that property from the Barnejees who were Brahimins and so the house was called thus. At once we all boys ran. I also hurried to my house, put a chaddar, for I was not acquainted with the Boses at that time, went to Balarm's house and found that the hall-parlour and verandah was full. In the middle of the hall there was spread a carpet on a cushion with pillows on. Pramahamsa was not there. I was but a lad of 17 or 18 summers and did not venture to go in as many of the elders of that quarter were seated in that hall. On the left side of the room was a verandha and I leaned against the wall there. I learned that the Paramahamsa had gone in so that the ladies of the house might have opportunity to meet him. A little later I saw a person clad in a towel of gerua color ( I think he had gone to the water closet) with leather slippers on coming through the door of the water closet toward me. His eyes seemed not to observe anything, as if in a state of reverie they were closed. Behind him there were a few persons. I did not know them. suddenly he came and the place I was standing and looked at me. He did not exchange a single word with me. i stood non-plussed and forgot even to salute him. At that movement, o God I felt a creeping sensation within my bosom. I felt a thrill from head to foot as if my body was becoming paralysed and I was inclined to weep. Afterwards, he staggered into the hall; I ran away to my house and laid myself on my bed..................

Photo: Quadtrangle -Verandha on first floor place were Tulasi Maharaj first saw Thakur

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